In this module, user will get the detailed information (like name, contact person, mobile number, address etc) of Ledgers under Sundry Debtors and Sundry Creditors.
In this module, user can take the backup of the data every time he opens the tally or at closing of tally.
In this module, user will get the option to select the Bank details in the Voucher entry level and that bank details will be printed in the invoice.
Easy creation of broker. Easy maintenance of sales and broker commissions.
In this module, user can create the Brokers and their rates. In the voucher entry level, the user can select the Broker Name, the brokerage rate will be fetched automatically from the master for that particular period.
This add-on helps you to know the expenses and income incurred by each cost centre in this module, user can view the balance sheet, Trial balance and Profit & Loss incurred by each cost centre.
In this module, it can calculate the cess automatically.
In this module, user can track the Cheque Numbers
In this module, user can get the report of Cheques issued and received.
In this module, user can enter the narration that is used by all the vouchers.
It does not allow entry of transaction for a customer if the earlier bills have not been cleared within the due date.
This Add-on has been developed for all owners, from where you can open all your Daily important reports which you used to see daily only in one screen just by pressing enter button. By this Add-on, no need to search reports where it exists.and user will get the customised invoice only for CA’s
This Add-on has been developed for all owners, from where you can open all your Daily important reports which you used to see daily only in one screen just by pressing enter button. By this Add-on, no need to search reports where it exists
In this module, Default username will be displayed in all the reports and invoice.
In this module, user can delete the unused ledgers, stockitems and cost centres
In this module, user can attach the multiple documents(like .xls, .pdf, etc) to the vouchers.
User can select particular Ledger to print the Address in the Envelop
In this module, user will get the Item wise party name, quantity, average, amount monthly sales report.
In this module, user can get the item wise sales summary report.
In this module, user can set the Expiry date for the particular ledgers.
In this module, user can print the multi vouchers.
This add-on prevents user to consume stock when there is no stock/sufficient stock.
In this module, user can get the party address and contact details in the outstanding report.
In this module, user can break the administrator username and password.
In this module, user can print the previous balance of the particular party in the invoice.
In this module, user can get the sales and purchase summary in month wise
In this module, it will skip the rate of the item in the vouchers.
This add-on allows you to take a print of the Stock Items in a fashion where, all the stock items are grouped by their Stock Group Name when the invoice print is taken
In this module, user can create the stock item with multi line description.
In this module, user can enter the rate paid inclusive of tax.
In this module, user can get the details of transporters.
In this module, it controls the rate of the item in the voucher entry level.
This Module maintain cash denominations while creating cash vouchers and even take the print of cash denomination slip.
This module changes the copy name to User Defined Copy Sheet name. Here user have a screen to change the ‘Original’ To ‘Original Copy 1’, ‘Duplicate’ to ‘Original 2’
This add-on facilitates users to add serial number against the stock item while passing the transaction. User can print the same in the invoice and also filter the transactions based on serial no
In this module, user can print the logo in the invoice
In this module, it disallows the purchase rate
In this module, it disallows the rate
This Module is used to track the Sales done by different user by Number of Qty Sold and Amount.
In this module, user can get the deleted vouchers.
Features :
Description :
With this Add-on you can control which user can create, alter and delete which kind of voucher. This Add-on enhances security and restrict unauthorized user from accessing voucher. It safeguards Valuable information about your business which is critical and vital for success. As an owner you may want to safe guard confidential business information from unauthorized person but it becomes very hard to control such things when your accounts are being handled by many users. Hence you need a security to restrict the unauthorized user to view the important and secret information.
With this add-on you can keep track of the entire voucher information starting from when it is created and by whom, as well as the names of users who subsequently altered the voucher, along with the time stamp and user specified reason for the alteration. A consolidated audit report, with filters, displaying the log details is provided.
Description :
With this add-on you can keep track of the entire voucher information starting from when it is created and by whom, as well as the names of users who subsequently altered the voucher, along with the time stamp and user specified reason for the alteration. A consolidated audit report, with filters, displaying the log details is provided.
This TDL is used for printing labels, depending upon the number of items raised in sales invoice .Also user can print the barcode of the specific Item based on the template created.